Product Description:
Please read product information carefully before purchasing.
- Product Compatible with : 3Dsmax, Maya, Blender, Iclone 8 and CC4, Unity, UE5, C4D, Nvidia Omniverse, Marmoset Toolbag …vv
- Format file:
- Blend-Blender 3.6- One Blender All motion
- FBX Blender- One Fbx All motion
- FBX Unioty- One Fbx All motion
- FBX UE5- One Fbx All motion
- FBX 3DSmax-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)
- FBX Maya-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)
- FBX C4D-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)
- iAvatar- Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion
- Frame Rate: 60 Fps
- Vertices: 25.380 – Faces: 24.357
- Textures: PBR_Yes
- DiffuseMap PNG 8192 x 8192
- NormalMap PNG 8192 x 8192
- AoMap PNG 8192 x 8192
- DisplacementMap PNG 8192 x 8192
- OpacityMap PNG 8192 x 8192
- Motions: 13- Atk,Bow,Eat,Howling1,Howling2,Idle,Jump,Play,Run,Runslow,Smell,Talk ,Walk
- Plugins (Addon): No
- Customize products as required: No
- Wolf Model Motions B1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They only differ in Color and Material.
- FBX Export is specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, UE5, Unity, C4D error may occur if using other platform to import, please contact for support.
- Materials are maximally simplified, usually using only 1-3 PBR materials so you can use them for most 3D Software that supports motion today.
- Need technical support, please contact:
- Web:
- Email:
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